My name is Francesco Grezza and my passion and training, this is the most important thing that you need to know, all my life has been dedicated to the gym and thanks to this strong passion has also become my job.
I am a International Personal Trainer, Body Building Istructor, Athletic Trainer, Professional Athlete, Motivator and Sports Inspirer, Writer Fitness Articles Healthy and Wellness.
In 2010 i started my way in the gym at the young age of 16, cause of an excessive overweight of about 125kg caused by years of a bad alimentation completely out of control and a no much movement, despite in the past I had the opportunity to try different disciplines such as Judo at a competitive level as I am current brown belt and I have always tried other disciplines like Karate, Boxe, Tennis, Soccer, Basket, Krav Maga, Ju Jitsu, Weight Lifting even if for a short time only a few years.
After reaching that tired weight of looking at myself in the mirror in that way I decided to make a promise that I would become a better person, so I decided to start eating well, train myself studying a lot and then after losing about 25kg I decided to enter in the gym where I found my vocation, the Body Building, it became a constant part of my life that allowed me to obtain excellent results in terms of fat loss for a total of 45 kg lost over the years and an excellent gain in terms of lean mass, this change has not only helped my health, but it has also many other people who, by visualizing my path of physical improvement, gave them the motivation and inspiration necessary to be able to take this path of health and wellness.
In 2015 thanks to this passion after have done a little of experience, i decided to qualify as a Body Building Instructor I have currently converted my old diploma obtained in 2014 with the current CSEN national diploma recognized by CONI and registered in the register of Qualified Instructors See Here or Here You Can Search Me Albo Tecnici, and i get also a BLSD Brevet See Here as required by national law Italian.
In 2016 i collaborated with a famous Italian portal of fitness and health mypersonaltrainer as a professional figure, helping users of the forum by answering their questions or doubts,
currently this community has been closed for many years due to continuous different opinions among professionals.
In 2017 i wrote also 12 articles for a famous English company Bulk Powders on Training, nutrition and sports integration. Francesco Grezza - The Core™ Italia (bulk.com)
In November 2019 i gave an interview for a american BodyBuilng site BulkHackers, avaible at this link: https://www.bulkhackers.com/francesco-grezza/
In July 2019 he founded his first Amateur Sports Society called Iron Gym Francesco Grezza Legacy™ Story Iron Gym a Professional Sports Center Specializing in Weight Loss, Athletic Preparation, Muscle Mass Development and Toning. On January 1, 2020 officially opens its first gym in Italy / Sardinia at Porto Torres (SS) - 07046 in Via Principessa Giovanna 24, The project of this gym was the result of many sacrifices and hard work, after the experience gained over the years, with the purpose to promotion and incentive the physical activity and general well-being that aims to offer a professional service that ranges from beginners to the most advanced athletes who need more specific attention to depending on their goals in terms of sports performance, which will be followed as a Personal Training style training, but which offers necessary services such as Athletic Preparations, Weight Loss, Toning, Muscle Mass Development, Toning, at a price of the whole accessible and all included in the package.
For this reason, if you are looking for a gym that can motivationally push you and at the actual level of the results you will get this and the one that suits you and you will be welcomed if you are willing to sacrifice yourself and work hard to reach your every goal, the gym does not give anything every thing! You will have to earn with sweat and dedication!
What are you waiting for I'm here waiting for you to start this journey together towards your success, take your life in hand and do it in the time you have available right now!
Every day I always try to take a step forward towards my goals trying to always become a better person than I was yesterday, working hard with sacrifices and sweat and never resorting to the use of substances doping and I will never do it, and the same ethics I always try to transmit it to the people I follow and surround me, because health is precious and once lost no one can give it back to you, and I believe that all the values of sport are based on this.
Over the years i helped numerous people from all over the world, guiding them step by step in achieving their goals, those who had to lose weight, who increase their muscle mass, who define themselves, who needed an athletic preparation for a competition or improve their performance in a specific sport, always providing them with both the motivation necessary to tackle their path and to teach them to use the tools that each of us has inside ourselves, necessary to express the maximum potential of the own bodies, offering a professional service, with advanced training plans.
Thanks to the numerous questions and requests about training and nutrition, I decided to create this portal where every person can have the maximum support in order to reach their goals improving the level of your status (visit for this the section Training to request your personalized plan and the section Articles for many free tips and training plan), so whatever your goal i am sure that together we can achieve and overcome everything, but to do this you have to believe in yourself and work hard, for success there are no shortcuts, nothing is easy but remember that nothing it's impossible.
What are you waiting for?
This is your moment, your chance to change your life, to take it in your hands and do something great, remember that you only live once but if you work it right, once is enough my friend.